Frequently Asked Questions
What is Life Coaching?

Life coaching IS NOT counseling.
It IS NOT therapy.
It IS NOT about your past.
Life coaching IS about:​
YOUR future
helping you define your goals
helping you start new habits or break old ones
giving you a partner to support your life journey.
What should you expect?

When you book your first appointment, ​you'll give your email address. You'll then receive two forms. The first is the contract. The second is a questionnaire so you can tell me about yourself.
At the appointment, we'll review the forms. Hopefully, you already have goals; if not, we'll work on discovering them. ​
How long is a session?

The session will be up to 50 minutes.
Sometimes, I may ask you if you'd find "homework" helpful.
Life coaching homework doesn't get graded and is meant to be low stress. It's simply a way of helping you learn about yourself.
How many sessions do people complete?
The number of sessions varies; each person is unique. It's usually not more than 1 session per week.
Some people may stop after a few weeks; others may continue for 6 months or longer. It depends on their needs, time, and finances.
If you have any questions, please email or use the contact form.